Thursday, 31 March 2011

Final boards for submission

Evidence of submission

Final photographs

We went down to photography after our failed attempts and got some studio space, lighting and backdrop to photography properly. These turned out a lot better than before.

I'm really happy with the way they turned out, they look a lot better and more crisp on white so they  blend into the background.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Some photos of posters and book

We had to re-take our photographs about 5 times because the lighting just wasn't how we wanted, these aren't the final ones but just some of the earlier ones. We've focused on areas of the posters which portray the detail of print that we wanted to focus on from the beginning of the brief.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Final Presentation


Things we need to do with regards to the feedback:
Number the pages
Put on target audience- designers of what?
starting brief concept
take out photos of posters being held
re-take all photos
More in context


obviously these aren't photographed very well but it's just to show the techniques we've used for now

Embossed paper sizes



Monday, 21 March 2011


We intended to kock up foil blocking in the print room using laser prints to represent the word 'metalise' from our list of paper uses, for some reason though the effects weren't how we expected. Only parts of the foil was left on the prints which did look quite cool but not really the effect we were going for.

Direct mail mock up

I made this mock up of a mail shot today, we initially wanted to fold the paper around a sample book with random folds and screen print or place a sticker on top, however when I tried this the folds didn't really fold well into the shape that I intended. I then tried one of these 'fortune tellers' and screen printed the tag line on the back. The address is on the front and I have proposed that when it folds out it folds out to the folded poster.

Using black and white keeps within the Fedrigoni brief guidelines for packaging so hopefully it looks quite smart and appealing to the target audience.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Colour ideas

Within our book we have used only grey white and black, we want to add a block colour into it as we did intend to inform and excite and we think this one colour will help liven up the book. We initially wanted to use fluorescent with screen printing but this went a bit wrong and wasn't coming out how we intended.
We came up with these few choices but couldn't decide together which to use so we put it to the class and the top orange came out on top as it wouldn't have any connotations like some of the others, it is quite fresh and not too generic.

More poster layouts

We've been coming up with more variations of layouts to put in the book because we've decided it'll be boring and repetitive to look a the same thing over and over.

 Fold, basic type with lots of white space, focusing on the paper range itself as we haven't done this a lot really and a line of type 'fold' down the side. This page will then be folded up and creased.

Rip, there is going to be a rip down the page in front to reveal this line of type 'rip' in-keeping with the layout of the other posters but more minimal

We went down to print to book a time and found out this almost invisible ink that we want to use for our front cover and on tracing paper to represent erase. It's very subtle but looks so effective.

Perforate, having the Fedrigoni logo only on the page which will be perforated and torn back slightly so behind it will reveal this type behind which repeats the tag line 'paper that performs'

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Laser cutting/embossing

One thing that was mentioned in the crit was to experiment with embossing etc which was our intention we were just waiting for the laser cut stuff to be done so we could carry on with this.

This is the stencil to emboss from ,we created the tag line in a couple of different point sizes along with A paper sizes and shapes to experiment with on the posters.

This is the last cut poster, just reads the tag line, maybe the Fedrigoni logo should be screen printed onto the bottom or this could just be a page of the book and therefore not need it.

Embossed tag line
Eventaully the paper I sent off for came from Fedrigoni so I could play experiment with this
This is the embossed paper size on the Fedrigoni paper, I actually really like the texture and weight of this paper it has a kind of obvious weaved texture to it which has a good look to it.

Show and tell feedback

Our questions we wanted to know the answers to:


Key points from the crit:
Type works but mixed opinions on whether it should be uppercase or lower
Shredded paper looks childish, also represents waste
Experiment more to show versatility of the paper